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The Schottenstein Real Estate Group Gives Back During the Holiday Season

SRE Group's charitable contributions in Central, Ohio
The SRE Group Values Giving Back to the Community!

Traditionally, the holidays are a time for family, friends, and good food. A time to eat, drink and be merry. The holidays are meant for counting our blessings and thinking about all of the things that we’re thankful for, however, it is also a time to give back to those that are less fortunate than ourselves. The Schottenstein Real Estate Group gives back during the holiday season and always looks forward to spreading some extra holiday love and joy each year!

One of the main events that the SRE Group is participating in this holiday season is Wrapped in Love, which is taking place on December 9th. Coach busses have been donated and will be traveling around the city picking up homeless women and taking them to a lavish Christmas celebration complete with beautiful table settings, a delicious dinner, and great presents. Businesses, restaurants, and other sponsors, including the Schottenstein Real Estate Group, will me making donations for the event and will help to make this a night to remember for these women.

There will be around 250 women in attendance, making this a holiday event that will not soon be forgotten. “These women are sitting on the street with nothing, so we are bringing all of this in for them so that they can have a special and memorable holiday as well,” remarks Denise Brown of the Schottenstein Real Estate Group. “We will be putting together huge bags filled with shampoos, facial items, towels, hair brushes, and other items that will benefit these ladies. We’re going to be filling as many bags as we can and giving them out at the event.”

The Schottenstein Real Estate Group recognizes the importance of giving back to its community members, and Wrapped in Love is just one of the many ways that they plan to do just that during this holiday season. Brown adds, “Everyone at the Schottenstein Real Estate Group has much to be thankful for, and we are proud to be able to share and give back to those less fortunate than us not only during the holiday season, but all year round.”

To learn about other events taking place at the Schottenstein Real Estate Group, visit our Facebook page, Happy Holidays!

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