Moving into a new rental community is an extremely exciting moment in one’s life. Whether you’re moving into your own place for the first time or relieving yourself of home ownership responsibilities, having a haven of rest with outstanding amenities is always rewarding for a renter.
The notion exists that in order to make changes to your home, you must own it. This couldn’t be any further from the truth! When you arrive at your apartment each and every day, you should not only feel that it’s the one place you’d choose to be over anywhere else, you should also feel like it is your own. Below we’ve included five tips to spruce up your apartment and give you the feeling of “home” every time you walk in the door:
- Purchasing (or making) artworkis a fantastic way to add character to your apartment. Whether
Look How the Artwork Above the Bed Adds a New Element to the Room! the artwork will go in your living room, bedroom or kitchen, the only thing that really matters is that the pieces give your place some personality and make it feel like it’s yours. Target and Wal-Mart are great places to start searching for artwork at an affordable price and Michael’s is the go-to spot if you’re looking to create something on your own.
- Merge your junk into storage space. Whether you throw unnecessary items away, store them elsewhere or consolidate them into bins, the saved space will provide you with more room and make your apartment feel homier. With the added space, you’ll be able to be creative as to what pieces of furniture you can move around your apartment.
- Change the color of your apartment and the look and feel will be completely different! Many landlords allow the tenant to make these types of changes, so just be sure to check with yours and assure them that you’ll paint it back if they would like before you move out. Having a color you love on the walls will make a huge difference in how you feel about your apartment!
- Focus on the outside of your home. Whether the patio in the back or the walkway and driveway leading to the front door, decorating the outside of your apartment will make a huge difference. Flower pots, welcome signs and patio furniture all great ideas to make your apartment more welcoming from the outside.
- Add Uniqueness in visible areas. If you are a wine drinker, place a custom wine rack in the kitchen showing off your favorite chardonnay. If you are into sports, have a wooden magazine rack with the latest Sports Illustrated. This will add personality to your home, help you stay organized, and ensure that you have the things you love at your disposal all the time.
There are many other tips and tricks to sprucing up your rental community. Keep in mind that your apartment should reflect your personality and if that’s the mentality you have while decorating, visitors are sure to be raving about your home!